Pilates Mom on Slouch Patrol

Sitting at the breakfast table every morning I observe my kids slouching over their plates, head bent forward, shoulders rounded, spine curved towards the table. School Mom just wants them to finish their breakfast and get to school on time but Pilates Mom’s alarms are going off. I am thinking “Oh no! They are getting Forward Head Syndrome! They are going to have a bad back, neck pain and headaches when they get older!”

I can tell my kids to sit up straight all I want but the reality is they carry heavy backpacks and sit all day at school. That is when Pilates Mom merges with School Mom and focuses on building strong postural muscles. When I see the kids slouching I tell them to imagine a rope pulling the top of their head to the ceiling while the feet are glued to the floor. I remind them to breath into the ribcage to create space around the spine. They may get annoyed with me but if can get them to become aware of their posture now they will appreciate their Pilates Mom on Slouch Patrol later. 

Wendy Borof